Sender Zylber

? – 1940





Sender Zylber was born in the city of Warsaw around the year 1850. At some point, he moved to Lublin, a transition possibly influenced by his father’s role as the Rov in Zamosc, a town not far from Lublin.

In the thriving, urban Lublin, Sender established himself as a prominent businessman with a diverse portfolio of factories and business ventures. His enterprises included ownership of a sugar factory, a glue factory, the renowned Kosmenik distillery – responsible for producing kosher-for-Pesach vodka, a mill where flour for Matzos was made, and the Perla Brewery, which continues its operations to this day.

With Reb Sender’s wealth and prominence, he exhibited his influence and business acumen beyond the realm of business. As a devoted Chosid, he was involved with various Polish Rebbes of his era, among them Reb Tzadok Hakohen and Reb Leibele Eiger. Notably, Reb Tzadok entrusted him with overseeing the printing of his Seforim. As mentioned in the Tzava’ah of Reb Avrohom Eiger, Sender Zylber assumed the role of executor for specific funds, further illustrating his trusted standing within the community.

It is noted that in the year 1888, when the Toras Emes passed away, Chasidim requested that Reb Tzadok Hakohen assume the mantle of leadership. Amongst them was Reb Sender Zylber, who beseeched Reb Tzadok to accept the position, to which he responded:

“אם גם אני נמצא בחשבון הפיתקא מה שהראה הקב”ה לאדה”ר ולמשרע”ה דור דור ודורשיו הרי אני מוכרח לזה ואם לאו הנני מתפלל להשי”ת שבל אמצא חן אצל שום אדם ולא יבואו אצלי”.

Sender’s home was one full of Torah and spirituality. His residence housed a Cheder and a Shtibel where many elderly chassidim were known to daven. The Shtibel became known later as the Shtibel of the Gerer Chassidim.  

Reb Sender married three times and was blessed with a many children.