Yitzchak Noach Silver

1911 – 1982





Yitzchok Noach was born in Bialistok, in the year 1911. As a child from a family of means going to cheder, his mother would send him with two sandwiches to feed another kid who might not have had.

When his teacher would give the petch, he would put the hard covers of the gemaras under his shirt as armor.

Yisroel Noach went to Chofetz Chaim’s yeshiva in Radin (not his grandfathers, the Slonim Rebbe). He came home from yeshiva and realized that his clothes closet was empty. He asked his mother where his clothes were and she told him that she had given them to a poor man. As he sat and complained to his mom, she threw a pair of scissors at him. He had a scar on his foot.

He used to smuggle fabric for his father’s factory (possibly from Radin, Belarus where he went to yeshiva). He would wrap his body and stuff oversized boots with raw materials.

During the war, Yitzchok Noach fled to Samarkand. He was once trying to prepare a fish that was still alive. The fish bit a chunk of his finger – he had a scar for the rest of his life.

In order to make money while in Samarkand, Yitchok Noach utilized his climbing prowess to clean the steeple of the local church.

After the war, Yitzchok Noach immigrated to Detroit, joining his father who was a Rov in Detroit.
